An Analysis of Mansfield Park by Jane Austen from the Perspective of Realism 从现实主义视角分析简·奥斯汀的《曼斯菲尔德庄园》开题报告

 2023-04-03 04:04

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

文 献 综 述1. introduction1.1 introduction to jane austinjane austin (1775 ~1817), british female writer of fiction. born in village small town stiven, her father is a local church parish pastor. austin is not on regular school, but receives good home education. the main teaching material is her father's literature book collection.austin likes reading the popular novel. her young girl time's exercise is to this kind of popular novel funny imitation, has like this formed the main key which in her work taunts. about her 20 years old, she starts to write, altogether has published 6 novels. in 1811 published "sense and sensibility" is her maiden work, afterward one after another has expressed "pride and prejudice" (1813), "mansfield park" (1814) and "emma" (1815). " northanger abbey" and "persuasion" (1818) is after she died second year publication, and bureau on her real name.austin remained unmarried lifelong. she lives in the small town, what contacts is young characters and so on landlord, pastor as well as they tranquil and comfortable living conditions, therefore in her work the significant society has not been contradictory. she unique enters the micro power of observation carefully by the female, described around really her the world little world, particularly marriage and love disturbance between gentry virtuous young woman's. her work styles relaxed humorous, the rich comedic conflict, the depth is welcome the reader. from 18 century's ends to the early 19th century, vulgar bored the sad novel and the gothic style novel flooded the british literary arena, but austin's novel destroyed the old and established the new, changed suddenly unfolds not yet had at that time been under capitalist industry revolution impact the british village middle class daily life and the rural scenery. her work often taunts the people through the comedic scene stupid, selfish, snobbish and blind self-confident and so on despicable laughable weakness. austin's novel appeared in the 19th century early years, as soon as swept the vacation romanticism tidal current which was rage for a while, inherited and has developed britain the 18th century the outstanding realism tradition, has made the preparation for the 19th century realisticic fiction's high tide. although its work reflection's breadth and the depth are limited, but her work like two inches of ivory, peep at the entire form of society and the versed in the art of dealing with people from a small window, to changed at that time in the novel creation vulgar atmosphere the good function, had the linking the preceding with the following significance in the british novel's history, was honored as the status to be possible treated as an equal with shakespeare the writer.1.2 introduction to mansfield parkmansfield park, published by the jane austen at the 1814. this novel is about the love and marriage of young men and women. its about a couple of young guys and a couple of young girls who are in love. fannie was raised by a wealthy aunt because her family was poor. although the two cousins of my aunts family were smart and beautiful, they were both arrogant and willful. thanks to cousin edmonds kind care, she was comforted and happy in her life under the foster family. as an adult, fannie went to social gatherings with his cousins, and they met the handsome young crawford and his sister mary at the pastors house. edmond falls in love with the beautiful, quick witted mary, while fannies cousins pursue crawford, only to discover that crawford, after a fling, finds himself genuinely attracted to fannie, but it was always the gentle and sincere edmond that fannie loved.1.3 literature review mansfield park was written by jane austen after she had published sense and sensibility (1811) and pride and prejudice (1813). it did improve janes progress.the studies of jane austen loom so large in west literature. as early as in 1812, when jane first put her work in public, study about her work had sprung. in the research perspective, the western scholars had a variety of opinions and constantly developed a multi-level connotation of janes work. those who from the perspective of feminism and ecological criticism, considered that janes work showed a distinctive view of feminism and worry and concern of ecology; who from the perspective of post-colonialism analyses the influence of english colonial expansion upon janes work and reflect in her writing; who from the perspective of psychology unscrambled janes theme of the works; who from the perspective of creative techniques discussed janes irony in her productions; who from the perspective of reality and nature analyses janes creative techniques. all of that made contributions to a more deep understanding of janes works.attentions from chinese literary translation and foreign literature studies rose at about in 1980s. before 1980s, lots of critics commented that janes life was narrow and theme was trivial, so jane didnt get a due attention. zhu hong is chinas earlier attention to austen scholar, who compiled austen research in 1985, which did a comprehensive introduction of austen and her works and opened a window for chinese scholars to understand and study of austen. meanwhile, kong haili, jin guojia, lou chenghong had also translated some foreign critics of austens article in literary theory. all of that had made the 1980s became a little climax for study of austen. in 1990s, especially since 2000, jane austen and her works had become a hotspot in the literature translation and foreign literature research. jane austen's work has been made into movies, tv drama, the domestic press, such as the yilin press, shanghai translation publishing house, nanjing university press, launched the jane austen's novels, essays, comments set, research results are more and more. kong zhili seriously and comprehensively translated all the works of jane austen. there are also other translators who have made a great contribution to the spread of austen's works in china. there are zi pei, xiang xingyao, kong zhili, xi yuqing, su dan, li yeyi and zhang yunlu who have translated mansfield park.the jane austen researchers think, mansfield park got a major breakthrough in the psychological description and narrative skill, and it is a milepost in the history of the british novel. this work was written after jane austen had experienced two major historical changes. in the works reflected the old aristocratic territory gradually invaded by the new bourgeoisie nobility. this is also jane austens first work reflecting the times background at that time. it makes austen become a more mature female writer. researches on the mansfield park were mainly from fine cut-in point such as the study of language features, the image of fanny, the structure and spirit connotation, imperialist feelings, moral value judgment, connotation of location, post-colonial cultural criticism, temporal and spatial extension, drama in the novel, , social and historical connotation, polyphony performance, absence of narrative to talk about. papers about this novel includes fu wenpings analyze jane austens art of fiction in mansfield park, which focused on the grasp of the value of austen characters, plot in the works, up to the whole structure, shape a perfect moral world. lei yuns fanny prices spiritual image: womans self - shaping and self-realization in mansfield park, which adopted the perspective of feminism, through the analysis of womans self - shaping and self-realization in mansfield park, put up with that fanny, the heroine in the novel, as a female image with rich spiritual, condensate jane austens unique insights on the value of women and female influence. then it pointed out that this novel got enlightenment significance to the contemporary women seeking self-liberation. song xiaohans the new female image in mansfield park, through the analysis of fanny, proved that jane austen air the voice of feminism in the works and deeply questioned that british social prejudice against women at that time. zheng kes definition and mood variation identity─the analysis of fanny in mansfield park, through the definition of fanny's identity to analyze her mood variation, further explained that fanny's ethics code and language expression is affected by the different identity. lin wenchens as i read mansfield park, by fanny and marys contradictory love and marriage consciousness, reproduced the rational and emotional consciousness in love and the extremely contradictory condition to reveal the significance and value. she thought that jane austen was an artist who wrote life from description of life, and her novel value lies in its perceptual representation of the contradictions of life which the writer are most concerned about.domestic researches from the realistic perspective have revealed the phenomenon of common oppression and extortion aggrieved by people and society as well as pointed out the ideological roots: patriarchy based on dualism. although there are a number of previous studies on mansfield park based on realism, some problems still deserve our attention and further study. first of all, from the perspective of the realism theory, most of the studies are phenomenon-oriented and lack a thorough exploration on the explanation of causes. second, the analyses of the causes are not detailed, falling to specify exactly the reasons from different angles but overemphasize the ideological reason. as far as the author of this thesis can figure out, no scholar has studied the topic as to how the causes originate from reality, political, cultural and ideological factors. therefore, based on the previous studies, this thesis aims to interpret mansfield park from the perspective of the realism theory and demonstrate multiple reasons behind the situation. finally, these essays do not propose a systematic solution on the people and society issues.this thesis, following the logical sequence from phenomenon to causes and then to solutions, aims to re-read mansfield park from the realistic perspective so as to excavate the multiple causes behind the common destiny of both people and society. meanwhile, the thesis attempts to put forward feasible ways of constructing a harmonious world based on realism in various aspects.1.4 need of the studythe need of analyzing mansfield park under the guidance of the realism theory is discussed as follows: first of all, this thesis explores the intimate correlation between people and society and further demonstrates realistic theories in mansfield park, which can provide a convincing research example for the realism theory.second, realism whether in the history of world literature or chinese literature, has a long and great historical tradition. realism, whether as a literary trend of thought or as a method of creation, also has its distinctive and prominent features, such as special emphasis on real reflection and true description of the reality of life, especially pay attention to the depth of the subject matter of life and cognitive thinking, pay special attention to the character image of personalized description and typical creation, there is an important aspect, that is, it has a strong critical spirit. the great strength of the literary realism has always been its distinctive character, and above all its indispensable critical spirit.1.5 research topic and methodsfirst, this paper will analyze the basic information of mansfield park and the author.then within the framework of ralism, this paper aims to analyze the realistic characteristics of love, marriage, family, social class and other aspects reflected in the works, and reveal the important role of experience, educational background, and class differences in dealing with the relationship between the characters. finally, this paper will provide some experience and enlightenment for modern readers, emphasizing the spiritual value of human spiritual world.2. the theory of realism2.1 definitionrealism focuses on truthfully reflecting real life. it advocates observing real life objectively, describing it accurately and delicately according to the original style of life, and striving to truly reproduce the typical characters in the typical environment. the literature and art of all countries in the world have realistic factors and characteristics to varying degrees from the beginning, and develop and change with the social and historical conditions. in the field of literature and art, realism and romanticism have a long history. however, as a more conscious literary school, realism usually refers to a major literary trend and movement that replaced romanticism in european literature and art after the 1930s. realism is a writing technique of pure literature, which conforms to the characteristics of pure literature.2.2 rise and developmentas a term of art in philosophy,realism refers to a thesis that general properties,technically known as universals,have a mode of existence or a form of reality that is in a certain sense independent of the things that possess them. opposing theses,known as nominalism,and conceptualism,hold that universals are not real or do not properly exist,that only individuals and particulars exist,and that it is only the corresponding general concepts of thought or universal terms of language,serving as equivocal denotations of many particular things,that deceive the mind into thinking so. philosophical realism is also referred to as platonic realism or scholastic realism,depending on the nuances of the particular variant in mind. in some versions of realism,in stark contrast to everyday usage,a distinction is drawn between existence and reality,based on the idea that potentials can be real but that only actuals can a separate context of discussion,realism is contrasted with both idealism and materialism,and is more controversially considered by others to be synonymous with the position in the philosophy of mind known as dualism. in recent transmogrifications of the word,realism is contrasted with anti-realism and irrealism.increasingly these last disputes,too,are rejected as misleading,and some philosophers prefer to call the kind of realism espoused there metaphysical realism and eschew the whole debate in favour of simple naturalism or natural realism,which is not so much a theory as the position that these debates are ill-conceived,if not incoherent,and that there is no more to deciding what is really real than simply taking our words at face value.2.3 artistic techniques in terms of artistic techniques, realistic literature inherits and develops the traditions of 18th century english novels, french enlightenment literature and russian satire literature. at the same time, it also draws lessons from some artistic experience of 19th century romantic literature, but it has great innovation. in terms of characterization, realistic writers are not only good at setting off and highlighting the character characteristics through the specific description of the environment and life details, but also pay attention to the psychological description of the characters, and strive to deeply and carefully reveal the contradictions and changes in the characters' hearts. 3. conclusionjane austen's mansfield park is a fiction of taking the love and marriage of young men and women as the subject matter. some real experiences are reflected in this book, as well as his multiple reflections on the human, social and spiritual world.austin's characters are fictional, but they all embody austin's own view of love and marriage. austin lived in a time when social, economic, and political changes had affected all classes, and when rural aristocrats and young landowners reflected the rise of the renaissance in matters of love and marriage, some ideas of the bourgeoisie about humanity and humanity. at the same time, austin's ideal marriage is not only equality and respect, but also freedom and understanding, which she hopes to help people get rid of the shackles of traditional ideas, so as to find themselves.this paper aims to analyze the realistic characteristics of love, marriage, family, social class and other aspects reflected in the works, and reveal the important role of experience, educational background, and class differences in dealing with the relationship between the characters.4. referencesbarri j. g. 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(2017). the waves: blasphemy of laughter and criticism. jane austen, virginia woolf and worldly realism (pp. 107136). edinburgh university press.terry f. robinson. (2012). life is a tragicomedy!: maria edgeworths belinda and the staging of the realist novel. nineteenth-century literature, 67(2), 139176.sarah e. (2014). austens emergent energies: mansfield park. in: energy, ecocriticism, and nineteenth-century fiction. palgrave studies in literature, 37(4), 3943waldron, m.(1999). jane austen and the fiction of her time(pp.103-107).cambridge university press.陈颖(2017),浅析十九世纪英国文学作品中的批判现实主义,《课程教育研究》,17,88。




2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

Research Topic and methods First, this paper will analyze the basic information of Mansfield Park and the author. Then within the framework of ralism, this paper aims to analyze the realistic characteristics of love, marriage, family, social class and other aspects reflected in the works, and reveal the important role of experience, educational background, and class differences in dealing with the relationship between the characters. Finally, this paper will provide some experience and enlightenment for modern readers, emphasizing the spiritual value of human spiritual world.

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