The impact of social recommendation of e-commerce website on consumers’ purchase intention开题报告

 2023-07-10 08:07

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

文献综述Social recommendation is the term used to characterize the exchange of product information between consumers. The form of social recommendations can differ from oral to written, and usually do not have any commercial interests. One of main reason of people resort to social recommendations is when they are looking for information about brands, products, services, and organizations, and further they use it as an important source of information in decision-making process of purchasing (Smith et al., 2005) [49]. Despite the fact that the information created by advertiser can influence consumers and create interest in products, social recommendations are the most dominant source of data affecting consumers' purchase intention of new products (Gilly, 1998) [18]. The superior influence of social recommendations on consumers' intentions and actions is also proved in the study conducted by East et al. (2008) and Herr et al. (1991) where demonstrated the effectiveness of social recommendations compared to traditional mass media and advertising [14], [24].In the process of social recommendations interchange, there are two agents, producer and receiver. Social recommendations producers have a role of information transmitters who provide information to their peers and influence their thoughts and purchasing decision (Watts and Dodds, 2007) [53]. The degree of this recommendation accepted by the receiver is influenced depending on different factors, for example, tie strength and trust. In light of a review of past research on influence of social recommendations on consumers purchasing intention, this chapter aims to investigate how social recommendations influence consumers purchasing intention and what are the factors of influence.Day by day, number of consumers mostly relying on online social recommendation produced by current consumers to choose alternatives for future purchases of products is increasing. Charlene Li (2013), a key expert at Forrester studies, expressed the view that "The greater you recognize and realize the folks who make up the grounds well around your image and your organization, the extra you may make use of the brand new word of mouth on your good fortune" [8]. Social networking websites are an enhancing platform for social recommendations, as social media users can interchange information about organizations, services or products.An ample of research highlights the impact of social recommendations on future consumers shopping decisions. As it was already stated, the reason of searching social recommendations by future costumers is obtaining some information about interested brands, products, services and organizations. It means that social recommendations are recognized as an important source of information for consumers (Smith et al., 2005) [49]. East et al. (2008) says that social recommendations have more impact than traditional media in consumer attitudes [14]. Moreover, Gilly (1998) states that although marketers' information and commercial sources play an important role in developing consumer interest in products, social recommendations are the most powerful source of evidence affecting consumers' purchasing decisions [18]. Another evidence can be seen in the research conducted by Herr et al. (1991) that shows that the impact of social recommendations on consumer choice is greater than print, television and radio advertising [24].In research conducted on social recommendation and its impact highlights the importance of understanding the effect of social recommendations on consumers. To use social recommendation effectively, sellers have to understand reason of producing recommendation on online platforms and its impact on receiver. By understanding consumers social recommendations behavior in social networking web sites, sellers will effectively use advertising tools on social media (Chu combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services that characterize the tie (Granovetter, 1973) [22]. Tie strength has been found to be one of the most significant factors explaining the influence of social recommendation exchange. For instance, Brown and Reingen (1987) showed that strong-tie sources were perceived as more influential than weak-tie sources [5]. However, their conclusions were based on retrospective data collected exclusively from successful referrals, which may have limited the scope of their results.Rogers (1962) argues that strong-tie sources are perceived as more credible and trustworthy than weak-tie sources, in line with Coleman (1990) who suggests that tie strength can operate through trust [45], [7]. One of the facets of trust is the fiduciary obligation that is created between the actors (Barber, 1983), i.e. their duty and their motives to place the interest of others before their own (Luhmann, 2000, p.94) [1], [36]. Notice that, to exert any influence, the importance of trust presupposes that a situation of risk exists. Without risk, trust would play no role in the recipients' decision- making process (Luhman, 2000) [36]. In line with Sahlins's (1972) social exchange theory, Frenzen and Nakamoto (1993) showed that strong ties were likely to transmit information of higher economic value than weak ties [46], [17]. In a viral marketing context, social recommendation from a close friend are more likely to be trusted sources, while social recommendation written by strangers or remote acquaintances will be anticipated as containing potentially less valuable or more suspicious information, and hence more likely to remain unconsidered. Therefore, the literature suggests that tie strength will positively influence the likelihood of awareness. The viral marketing concept and these examples suggest that marketers can leverage the power of interpersonal networks to promote a product or service. The concept assumes that electronic, peer-to-peer communications are an effective means to transform (electronic) communication networks into influence networks, capturing recipients' attention, triggering interest, and eventually leading to adoption or sales. Yet it is difficult to identify substantial evidence to support these assumptions or to explain why and how social recommendation influences. To better understand why and how social recommendation can be effective, we must understand its pass-along process and its underlying mechanisms of influence.References:1. Barber B., The logic and limits of trust, [C] New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1983.2. Bettman, J. 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2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

Research objectives Based on the above presented research question following research objective has been identified: To study the influence of social recommendations with different social relationship variables on consumers' purchase intention. The study will focus on tie strength, the relationship between the producer and receiver, and its influence on trust, evaluation process, which is further can affect in the process of decision making on purchase.Research questionsIf we consider that producer of social recommendation can be unknown as well as close friend, how would these two social recommendations influence receivers purchase intention. Moreover, depending on tie strength, social recommendation receiver builds trust that is consequently impact on purchase intention. Regardless of the fact that social recommendations have been a precious tool for small and medium enterprises, the influence of above mentioned social relationship variables (tie strength and trust) has not been studied fully and utilized by online networking enterprises. For that reason this paper attempts to analyze the influence of social recommendations with different social relationship variables on consumers' purchase intention. Significance of the studyA central question to answer is how social recommendations with different social relationship variables influence consumers' purchase intention. This study focuses on two social relationship variables: tie strength and trust.The current paper, therefore, aims to provide a theoretical understanding of consumers use of social recommendations as a vehicle for consumers` purchase intention. Specifically, the paper attempts to empirically examine potential roles of social factors on consumers` purchase intention via social recommendations. This study examines whether social recommendations with different social relationship variables influence consumers purchase intention.Understanding social relationship variables that affect consumers purchase intention could help marketers to identify influential individuals in social networks and to effectively generate and manage positive social recommendations communications. At the same time, findings from this research could provide marketers with valuable information to establish their long-term relationships with consumers in social networking sites and use beneficial social recommendations to promote selected brands.The research on the impact of social recommendations on consumers` purchase intention will discover the best procedure to satisfy clients purchase goal and conduct.This research will make easy to relate with the consumers and contact them. The research will discover the client responses, decisions, and inclinations. The research of consumers aim and conduct influenced by social recommendations will useful to discover the different marketing conceivable outcomes and makes it simple to take advantage of them effectively. It will discover whether product or services is compelling for the consumers or not. Organization of the studyThe present paper is organized as follow. Chapter 1 has introduced the topic of the thesis study. The next section, Chapter 2 is a theoretical background for this study, followed by Chapter 3 which describes the research model and hypothesis. The methodology part of the research describes on the Chapter 4. Next, Chapter 5 defines used data analysis and discusses obtained results. Finally, the conclusion based on results will be drawn at the end.Research methods:Research will be provided according to consumers opinion, via questionnaires.Also, there will be used statistics from archive of suppliers, who are tracking the interestsof their consumers. Overall, I will use secondary data, which is reliable for use at my academic research.

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