An Intertextual Study on the Plant Image in The Nineteen Ancient Poems and The Book of Songs 《古诗十九首》与《诗经》中植物意向的互文性研究开题报告

 2023-04-15 09:04

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1.introduction1.1 research backgroundintertextuality is a text theory put forward by french literary theorist christiva in the 1960s. she believed that "every text is a mosaic formed by quoting other texts, and each text is the absorption and transformation of other texts." her theory of intertextuality has greatly expanded the time and space boundary of text research and organically connects the originally isolated text individuals. christiva put forward "intertextuality" on the basis of bakhtin's view of "text dialogue" and formed the theory of intertextuality. she believes that the text cannot exist completely separated from other texts, and there is a connection between the semantic elements of the text in the historical text. the concept of intertextuality reveals two meanings: one is that in one text there are semantic elements of another text in some form; second, one text absorbs, learns from and rewrites another text to internalize and transform the early text.intertextuality, invented by christiva and interpreted by bart, is only one direction of the development of intertextuality theory. since the 1970s, some scholars have reexamined this concept, and a research category based on poetics and literary rhetoric has emerged. the definition of intertextuality from poetics and rhetoric first appeared in the 27th issue of poetics, which was edited by genette and todorov in 1976. since this magazine, more papers have studied intertextuality writing as a literary technique, and many universities have also interpreted intertextuality as a writing technique. since the late 1970s, french scholars have gradually focused on the definition, identification, classification and analysis of various relationships between texts. from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, michael rifferre, a french american scholar, emphasized that intertextuality was defined as the reader's perception of the relationship between works in his monographs, and regarded this perception as the basic factor constituting the literariness of a work. at the same time, intertextuality was initially introduced in china. the earliest appearance of intertextuality in china is related to the translation of structuralism. in structuralism: moscow prague paris (1980), translated by li youzheng, a famous belgian legal philosopher j. m. brockman, intertextuality quietly entered the chinese intellectual community. but due to the author's philosophical perspective and taking structuralism as the main topic, the intertextuality involved in the book is very small. in 1987, in text theory (roland barthes,1987), translated by zhang yinde, was published in shanghai literary theory. this article introduces roland barthes' text theory in detail to domestic scholars. in the section on intertextuality, with the help of barthes' thought, it clearly discusses the basic connotation of intertextuality, which has become an important source for the introduction of intertextuality to china.through data search, it is found that although the enthusiasm of domestic scholars for the study of intertextuality theory is gradually increasing, there are still great deficiencies. since the birth of intertextuality, a large number of research monographs have appeared in western academic circles, and the number of monographs far exceeds that in china. relatively, the number of monographic research works in china is also very small, the research perspective is relatively single, and there is a lack of multi angle and diversified comparative research. in addition, as one of the three major poetic systems in the world, chinese poetics system implies a large number of intertextual resources and is conducive to the dialogue between chinese and western poetics, but this kind of research is still in a weak link at present. 1.2 need of the studyon the one hand, intertextuality highlights the interrelatedness and interdependence of modern cultural life, which is a very useful concept. the greatest meaning of intertextuality lies in the thorough deconstruction of the stability of texts. for literary critics, although they appear in the third person, they still cannot avoid becoming a part of the intertextual network. the intertextuality of text is like a huge black hole, absorbing everything trying to get close to it into its own system. it follows then that intertextuality can avoid treating texts in isolation from a single perspective, so as to organically connect more excellent works.on the other hand, as one of the three major poetic systems in the world, chinese poetics system implies a large number of intertextual resources, which is conducive to the dialogue between chinese and western poetics. there were very few literary works of poetry in that period, and it was very common for works of the same genre to refer to each other. so early and excellent poetry collections have become an example for later writers to emulate and learn from. therefore, if compare the two poems of the same type in different periods, it is not difficult to find that the latter has a significant inheritance in both the time and the way of literary writing, which is of great value for comparative analysis.1.3 organization of the researchthis paper is divided into five parts. the first chapter is the introduction, which describes the research background, need of research and research organization. the second chapter is a literature review, including a brief introduction of the book of songs and nineteen ancient poems, the definition of intertextuality and previous studies on the intertextuality of the two works. in the third chapter, the specific plant image in two works is analyzed. chapter four discusses the results in more detail on the basis of chapter three, including the multi-angle analysis of intertextuality. finally, in chapter 5, the main research results, limitations and suggestions for future research are summarized.2.literature reviewthis chapter begins with an overview of the historical background of the book of songs, nineteen ancient poems and the supporting thesis, intertextuality. also the previous intertextual studies of the book of songs and the nineteen ancient poems will be mentioned.2.1 the book of songs and the nineteen ancient poems2.1.1 the book of songsthe book of songs is an encyclopedia of ancient society. it starts from real life and goes beyond real life. it clearly presents the life scene and spiritual field of people in that era in front of later generations. as a collection of poems from the early western zhou dynasty to the middle of the spring and autumn dynasty, it reflects the unique humanistic spirit, political style, folk customs and moral beliefs. as far as the book of songs is concerned, its research achievements are countless, especially in modern times. due to the influence of modern research methods and academic methods, both research themes and research methods have become more diversified and comprehensive. the early research on plants in the book of songs was mainly about the textual research of famous objects. there are also many modern articles on plants in the book of songs. most of them involve plant worship, artistic aesthetics, plant image and so on. 2.1.2 the nineteen ancient poemsxiao tong carefully selected and compiled the selected works and collected 19 ancient poems. with the spread of the selected works and the unique artistic style of the 19 ancient poems, more and more scholars paid attention to them. it gradually became independent from the selected works and became an independent unit in the history of chinese literature. the nineteen ancient poems and the book of songs come down in one continuous line. the poets of the nineteen poems lived in the hot social life at the end of the eastern han dynasty. the poets were persistent and seemed unusually deep, distinct and strong in connection with their own life reality. each article was full of love and hate and achieved the outstanding artistic achievement of "the crown of five words", which was due to the charm of the book of songs.2.2 the theory of intertextualitychristiva, a famous theorist and critic in france, put forward intertextuality in the late 1960s. subsequently, various theorists expressed their own views on the concept of intertextuality. bakhtin focuses on the equal dialogue of multiple voices of the text; christiva emphasizes that the meaning of the text occurs and unfolds in the inter literary relationship; barthes attaches great importance to readers' interpretation of the text, and the production of text meaning is also the result of readers' role; compagnon's study of intertextuality focuses on citation. he believes that the coexistence relationship between texts mainly exists because of some quotation; genette and laurent kennedy's research obviously has the rhetorical analysis dimension of intertextuality theory, pays attention to the transformation between texts, and makes great contributions to the analysis of language forms. bloom pays attention to the creative psychology. he thinks deeply about the causes of intertextuality from the psychological mechanism of the creator.2.3 the previous intertextual studies of the book of songs and the nineteen ancient poemsin the book of songs, the method of expressing feelings by relying on objects and images has a great enlightenment and guidance on the technique of expressing feelings in the nineteen ancient poems. "ancient poems... this is the legacy of national customs." (shen deqian, 2006). compared with the book of songs, the inheritance of ancient poetry is obvious. since ancient times, the research results of the book of songs and the nineteen ancient poems are still very rich, but there are not many works on the systematic study of the intertextuality between them. for example, the article comparative study of the book of songs and nineteen ancient poems (xiang guanghui, 2018) compares the two from three aspects: expression content, expression method and formation reason. a study on the inheritance and influence of nineteen ancient poems on the book of songs (li jialu, 2016) expounds the close relationship between them from a macro perspective. although these works compare these two works from different angles, they are simply confined to the the general direction and do not analyze the relevance from a specific angle.referencesbroich, ulrich (1997). intertextuality. in: bertens and fokkema, 20, 249256.cai, zongqi (2008). how to read chinese poetry: a guided anthology. new york.douwe fokkemma (2003), why intertextuality and rewriting can become crucial concepts in literary historiography. neohelicon, 30, 25-32.evans j (2016). many voices of lydia davis: translation, rewriting, intertextuality[m]. edinburgh university he (2021). van els, paul, the wenzi : creativity and intertextuality in early chinese philosophy. dao,20, 353-357.fokkema (2003). d. why intertextuality and rewriting can become crucial concepts in literary historiography.neohelicon30,2532.greco, g.l., shoemaker, p (1993). intertextuality and large corpora: a medievalist approach.comput hum27,349355.friedman, susan stanford (1991). weavings: intertextuality and the (re)birth of the author. influence and intertextuality in literary history. ed. jay clayton and eric rothstein. wisconsin: the university of wisconsin press.kennedy, george alexander (1939). metrical irregularity in the shi ching. harvard journal of asiatic studies, 4, 84-296.legge, james (2010). the she king: the book of ancient poetry [m]. montana: kessinger pub llc.marti, p., van der houwen, e.b. 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2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

The main question of this paper is whether there is a close relationship between The Book of Songs and Nineteen Ancient Poems? Can we see the inheritance of the two works from the perspective of intertextuality? Therefore, this paper intends to use the method of discourse analysis to compare the two works, and bring the intertextuality into the study of Chinese classical literature, especially classical poetry, to explore the relationship between poems in different periods. In detail, the expression of plant image will be emphasized, and try to explore the intertextuality between the two, so as to make up a little for the existing shortcomings of intertextuality in the field of Chinese poetics.

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