An Analysis of the Subtitle Translation From the Perspective of Functional Equivalence-Exemplified with Ne Zha:Birth of the Demon Child功能对等视角下的英译字幕翻译浅析——以《哪吒之魔童降世》为例开题报告

 2023-06-27 08:06

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名:皮智慧 学 号:2401170117 所在学院:外国语言文学学院 专业:英语设计(论文)题目: A Study on the English Translation of Film Subtitles from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory -- Taking the Subtitle Translation of Ne Zha:Birth of the Demon Child as an Example 从功能对等理论视角研究电影字幕英译以《哪吒之魔童降世》字幕译文为例 指导教师:陈海涛 2021 年2月20日1.Introduction1.1Research backgroundSince the end of the 20th century, with the rapid development of China's economy and the increasing enhancement of its comprehensive national strength, China has occupied a more and more important position in the world political and economic stage. However, in the cultural field where Western countries have the right to speak, the cross-cultural communication between China and Western countries is still in an unbalanced state.In the era of economic globalization, countries around the world in the cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent, brought the emerging of the film industry, more and more foreign movies into China, many foreign movies are well received by Chinese audiences, such as "Frozen" and "The Secret Life of Pets", in contrast, the Chinese film, wins a box office success outside films are few, in order to make Chinese domestic films get overseas market place, dissemination of the excellent Chinese culture to the foreign audience good subtitle translation is particularly important. At present, the quality of film subtitle translation in China is uneven, and the domestic research in this field is not deep enough, and there is a lack of systematic theoretical research. An excellent film naturally needs excellent subtitle translation. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator should not only convey the information of its original work, but also spread the excellent cultural connotation of the country and make foreign audiences understand it. Only in this way can it be called an excellent subtitle translation.Therefore, this paper attempts to apply Nida's functional equivalence theory to the practice of film subtitle translation.1.2 Need of the studyUnder the background of cultural globalization, the film output of subtitle translation can be regarded as the bridge of the content and foreign audiences, excellent subtitle translation contains both the content of the film subtitles translation, cultural connotation, as well as the superficial subtitle translation often easily misunderstood, it is difficult to make the audience understand, so the functional equivalence of good subtitle translation is very important. Chinese domestic film Ne Zha: Birth of the Demon Child, adapted from a Chinese fairy tale, tells the story of Ne Zha who refuses to accept his fate, puts aside his prejudice and changes his life against heaven. It has been a huge success in the domestic market since its release. However, such an excellent domestic film, which not only has the advantages of traditional Chinese culture, but also mixes popular elements, is not well received in foreign markets. This has to cause our attention and reflection.Among them, the fairy tale is full of Chinese culture in the movie that is very familiar with domestic audience, but for foreign audience it is quite difficult to understand the Chinese culture and enjoy the film. So make them have the same feeling is clearly a huge challenge. To make foreign audience across the cultural barriers, further acceptance, understanding and love this movie, the key is to do a good job of subtitles translation, try to keep foreign audiences like domestic audience getting the same experience when watching movie.1.3 Research purposes This paper attempts to apply Nida's functional equivalence to the study of Chinese film subtitle translation, taking the English subtitle translation of Ne Zha as an example. Based on the translation strategies proposed by the theory of functional equivalence, the author hopes to find a specific method to apply the theory into film subtitle translation, namely, functional equivalence at the level of linguistic form, culture, pragmatics and aesthetics. Based on the vocabulary, sentences and rhetoric of Nezha, this paper aims at comparing the relationship between subtitles in the source language and those in the English version, and to point out the advantages and disadvantages of subtitles in the English version under the guidance of functional equivalence theory.2.Literature review2.1Definitions of functional equivalence theoryFunctional equivalence theory was first put forward by Nida, a famous American translation theorist. Nida, 1969, published book translation theory and practice, the focus of translation studies from the information in the form of transferred to the receiver's reaction, the most important thing is that the book system under the clear definition of dynamic equivalence theory, the reaction of the target language information receiver on the information level largely consistent with the source language receivers, and puts forward the dynamic equivalence should be better than the formal equivalence, because formal equivalence of translation is word-for-word translation, and dynamic equivalence translation is humanized. In his book Language, Culture and Translation in 1993, Nida divided functional equivalence into two levels: the lowest level and the highest level. The former means that the recipient of the translated text should understand the translated text to such a degree that the target language reader can imagine how the source language reader will understand and appreciate the text information, while the latter means that the target language reader can understand and appreciate the text information essentially as the source language reader does. From the perspective of linguistics, Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence reveals that the essence of translation is to use the most appropriate natural and equivalent language to reproduce the information of the source language from the semantic to the stylistic aspect. This theory makes the examples fully expressed and natural as the basis of the theory of functional equivalence. On this basis, the theory of functional equivalence advocates that in translation, the functional equivalence between two languages should be achieved without rigid correspondence on the surface, which has high practical value and research significance.2.2 Correlational studies of functional equivalence theoryNida's theory of functional equivalence has exerted an important influence in the translation circle. With the introduction to this theory into China, the influence of Nida's theory of functional equivalence has been the focus of discussion in the Chinese translation circle for decades. So let's first talk about how well it's been accepted in China. According to Liang Ge, Xian lei, Ren Chaoying scholars such as investigation, said the survey data of Nida's functional equivalence theory is the focus and hot topic in the study of Chinese translation and academics, it is mainly used for text, science and technology business text, the advertising text and cultural text, legal texts, the news text, the translation of film subtitle text. Then, we study other scholars about the functional equivalence theory in the view of practice of film subtitles, such as the week - the film subtitles translation practice based on functional equivalence theory analysis, this paper in the movie "men in black", for example, from the perspective of functional equivalence theory to film subtitle of cultural level, cultural level, pragmatic level, and aesthetic aspects of functional equivalence has carried on the analysis and evaluation. Under the guidance of "functional equivalence theory and Zhou Mei wrote" the spare room "translation strategy research", the functional equivalence theory as the instruction, from the lexical level, syntactic level and textual level and style level for the choice of specific translation strategies, there will be other research papers, these data are for other scholars research provides certain reference and reference.Zou Lingli's Study on Subtitle Translation of Kung Fu Panda Based on Functional Equivalence Theory. It mainly studies the characteristics of subtitle, dubbing and subtitle, and then discusses the feasibility of the theory of functional equivalence in subtitle translation. Taking the subtitle translation of Kung Fu Panda as an example, it analyzes the meaning equivalence and stylistics equivalence. This paper provides us with the practical reference of functional equivalence theory.From the perspective of Ne Zha: Birth of the Demon Child, Fan Jun looks at the translation strategies of domestic cartoons, analyzes the existing problems in the translation of domestic cartoons, and points out the English translation problems of Ne Zha Conquers the Dragon King. Some of his viewpoints, such as the treatment of culture-loaded words, the adult language in translation, the oral and written language, and the phenomenon of mistranslation and omission, also give us great inspiration. Meng Fanxin's national animation and the dissemination of excellent traditional Chinese culture -- Taking Ne Zha: Birth of the Demon Child as an example. Discussed that the language in the film and the animation soundtrack are full of excellent traditional Chinese cultural elements, and gave us guidance on how to better translate these words carrying Chinese culture. Taking "Ne Zha: Birth of the Demon Child" as an example, it mainly discusses culture as the basic unit of subtitle translation and the equivalence of cultural functions between the source language and the target language subtitle. Since functional equivalence theory is widely used in translation, the author analyzes the gains and losses of English translation of Ne Zha: Birth of the Demon Child from the lexical and sentence rhetoric level according to the functional equivalence theory, with a view to making some contributions. 2.3 Present situation of subtitle research at home and abroadMost scholars at home and abroad devote themselves to the study of translation practice, but the study of translation subtitles is relatively backward.As a result, many translation theories have not yet been put into practice in subtitle translation. Therefore, subtitle translation is still in its primary stage.2.3.1 Present situation of subtitle research abroadThe film first emerged in the western world, so its subtitle translation started earlier than that in China.Translation and Film, published in the periodical Linguist in 1956, can be regarded as the earliest theoretical study of film and television translation in the West. In 1974, Dollerup made a separate study of subtitle translation in his article On Subtitle Translation for Film and Television published in Babel. This publication led to the emergence of a large number of documents related to film and television translation. The study of film and television translation in the West began to develop rapidly in the 1990s.Two important research materials were published during this period.One is the book Overcoming Language Barriers in Television: Dubbing and Subtitling for the European Audience, published by Luyken in collaboration with four European film and Television translation experts, with funding from the European Media Institute.Based on a large number of data studies, the book analyzes different translation modes for language conversion in film and television works. Subsequently, in 1992, Swedish subtitle translator Ivarsson published Subtitling for the Media:A Handbook of an Art, the first comprehensive study of subtitle translation in Europe.The technical development of subtitle translation is described in detail in the book.Since then.Western translation studies are further advanced.Significant contributions were made by De Linde, Mary Carroll, Heulwen James, and Dries.Since the 21st century, Heulwen James has put forward the mode of "review" for the quality control of film subtitle translation, that is, not only to check the spelling of subtitle, read the translated text of subtitle in advance, but also to watch the video of spouse's subtitle translation later.Mikhail A.Zagot and Vladimir V.Vozdvizhensky analyzed the difficulties and challenges encountered in voice-over, subtitling, and dubbing. The above research results of western scholars on subtitle translation can be used for reference in our own translation process.2.3.2 Research on the Status Quo of Subtitle Translation in ChinaCompared with western studies on subtitle translation, China's development theory is not mature enough and lacks a complete set of theoretical systems.In 1921, sound films appeared in the Chinese market, followed by subtitle translation.The method of easily matching Chinese subtitles basically became the mainstream method adopted by film producers, but there were many problems in subtitle translation at that time, and the translation was not accurate enough.Movie really popular in after the founding of new China, some scholars from the perspective of skopos theory to study subtitle translation, xue is the consistency principle, for example, to explain the relationship between the source language and target language subtitles, Huang Chen qi also adopted the theory in his research, he thought the subtitles translation is a purposeful activity, is in the context of specific cultural information in the most effective way is passed to the purpose and audience, make them understand and appreciate the film. Nida's functional equivalence theory was introduced into China and applied to case studies. For example, Yang Min used the theory of functional equivalence to analyze the subtitles of The Old Man/Friends and then put forward the translation methods used.There has also been a steady increase in the number of papers published over the past few years.But further research is needed in this area in China, and academic circles should pay more attention to it.ReferencesEugene A.Nida.(1964).Exploration of translation science.Eugene A.Nida.(1969). Translation theory and practice.Nida, Eugene A.TheoryandPracticeofTranslation.梵军(2014), 从《哪吒闹海》看国产动画片翻译策略匡媛媛(2016), 英汉学术翻译策略研究:功能对等理论视角梁戈、先蕾、任朝迎(2016),奈达功能对等理论在中国的接受卢小军(2013), 国家形象与外宣翻译策略研究 罗贤通(2018), 电影《西游记之大圣归来》文化信息英译策略研究基于多模态的分析视角孟凡鑫(2020), 国漫与中华优秀传统文化传播以《哪吒之魔童降世》为例王露(2017), 从功能对等理论视角研究电影字幕英译以《西游记之大圣归来》字幕译文为例王振、郑颖(2019), 国漫电影走出去字幕翻译研究 以《哪吒之魔童降世》为例 余超杰(2015), 功能对等理论下文化负载词的文化意义翻译效果对比以《聊斋志异》三个英译本为例周冲(2015), 基于功能对等理论的电影字幕翻译实践分析周梅(2017), 功能对等理论指导下《空余的房间》的翻译策略研究邹凌力(2013), 基于功能对等理论的《功夫熊猫》电影字幕翻译研究

2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

Due to the research in the translation of domestic film subtitles in China, many translation theory cannot implement to the subtitle translation, which is bad for our country culture output, therefore this paper according to Nida's functional equivalence theory research study of translation of Chinese subtitles to guide, putNe Zha:Birth of the Demon Child as an example, from the aspect of vocabulary, sentence and rhetorical analysis of the translation subtitles' the wins and losses that in order to contribute to the subtitle translation studies.

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